

 Lungi is a special tradition of Bengali culture and life. In Bengali life, a name for clothing is lungi. Lungi Bengalis can do all their daily tasks very comfortably. For example:- Bengalis wear lungi while playing, swimming in the river, climbing trees, river channel, canal bill, various fishing, they wear lungi while sleeping at night. A comfortable, healthy, and eco-friendly garment. And the most interesting thing about lungi is that it can be put on and taken off easily. From the beginning of human life, importance has been given to clothing. So the people of the world are very aware of clothes. All the Muslim countries of the world have been asked to wear large clothes. And when asked which big? Then first comes saree and burkha hijab for girls, and lungi, punjabi, jubba. Their clothing and its sequels have been busy making clothes with new quality fabrics all over the world. In the days of yesteryear, used as raw material for cloth production, coconut bark, dried bark of kola tree and fatar, dunch fiber, and various leafy fibers were collected to make cloth. Then the turn of the era changed and after many efforts, he realized the dream of making yarn from cotton. And among these cottons, first they used Kash flower as cotton. Then, after making Shimul cotton, Kashmir cotton, they created the history of making muslin cloth during the British rule.